- Paediatric Intensive Care, High care and Neonatal Intensive care.
- Orthopaedic pre and post-operative rehabilitation
- Neurological rehabilitation for Spinal cord injuries, peripheral neuropathies and CVAs.
- Facial, Neck and Thoracic: Myofascial release for dental and psychiatric patients
- Neuromusculoskeletal rehabilitation for acute and chronic conditions post and pre op management.
- Pre and Post op Physiotherapy for Maternity patients for normal vaginal deliveries and caesarian births.
- Medical and surgical patients: acute pre and post-operative rehabilitation, hand therapy; joint mobilization, Clinical electrophysiology, spine rehabilitation, back and neck pain.
- Burns ward-adult/paediatric: preventative rehabilitation e.g.: contractures, inhalation complications etc.
- Out-patient physiotherapy: post hospitalisation rehabilitation, sports enhancement, Injury rehabilitation,wellness education programs, weight training, aqua therapy, and performance enhancement.
How can physiotherapy help your child?
A Paediatric Physiotherapist offers early intervention for children who may have neurological and developmental delays as well as sensory impairments related to hearing and vision. Physiotherapy also helps children with biomechanical, positional and sports injuries. Some children may present with multiple issues that can be helped by seeing a Paediatric Physiotherapist.
- Paediatric Intensive Care, High care and Neonatal Intensive care.
- Orthopaedic pre and post-operative rehabilitation
- Neurological rehabilitation for Spinal cord injuries, peripheral neuropathies and CVAs.
- Facial, Neck and Thoracic: Myofascial release for dental and psychiatric patients.
- Neuromusculoskeletal rehabilitation for acute and chronic conditions post and pre op management.
- Pre and Post op Physiotherapy for Maternity patients for normal vaginal deliveries and caesarian births.
- Medical and surgical patients: acute pre and post-operative rehabilitation, hand therapy; joint mobilization, Clinical electrophysiology, spine rehabilitation, back and neck pain.
- Burns ward-adult/paediatric: preventative rehabilitation e.g.: contractures, inhalation complications etc.
- Out-patient physiotherapy: post hospitalisation rehabilitation, sports enhancement, Injury rehabilitation,wellness education programs, weight training, aqua therapy, and performance enhancement.
gross motor milestones what are they?
Your child’s ability to control movements and respond to his/her environment begins to develop even before birth. Each baby is unique and grows at his/her own rate. That is why there is a wide variety of “normal” in development. Although this is a gradual, individualised process, most babies do go through a series of developmental milestones around certain ages. The purpose of this checklist is to provide a reference to help guide you through your child’s development and what to expect at certain stages
What we can do?
Some contributing factors to delayed or poor-quality motor development are:
- Low muscle tone/strength/endurance.
- Poor or under-developed coordination.
- Poor or under-developed balance
- Poor or under-developed core/trunk stability.
- Less than ideal body/joint mechanics or alignment.
- Communication challenges
- Sensory challenges.
- Injury – this can include injuries to the musculoskeletal system (i.e. sports injuries) or the neurological system (i.e traumatic brain injury)
You as parents and caregivers are the best at determining whether your child is having difficulties in their development. Trust your judgment! If you have concerns, don’t hesitate to bring it to the attention of your doctor, community nurse or paediatric physiotherapist. Give your child multiple opportunities to practice motor skills.